Looking for the perfect job can be overwhelming. With so many career pages, job sites, and groups, it's impossible to stay updated on all the latest openings. That’s where we come in!
All jobs posted by employers and recruiting firms on A+,
5 Premium Credits to access all jobs sourced by A+ AI and research team
Everything in free
60 additional Premium Credits valid for a year
Everything in free,
5 additional Premium credits valid for a day
our research team gets jobs from internet, alumni networks, professional communities, career pages, and diverse job portals so that you can find it all in one place. We have one goal – to bring all jobs to you in a single click. We will get you the jobs that you never knew existed.
With Premium, you take complete charge of your career at an unbelievable effective price of INR 50/month*. That's 99.99% less than what you'd pay attending networking events, professional networks, and SaaS platforms. Our goal at A+ is simple: empower you to succeed in your careers without burning a hole in your pocket.
Now, let's explain how you can take control of your career with Premium:
You miss out on more than 80% of the opportunities because you cannot be present on every career page, every whatsapp group or every job portal for that matter. Our research team scouts the entire job universe and presents all those opportunities at one single place, and make it accessible for you through easy search filters.
You try to reach one or two headhunters or staffing companies that you or your friends may know, but don't get help majority of the time. Headhunters can only help you with your job search at a particular time if they are working on a relevant mandates for which your profile is a fit. If not, you'd go on their records. Hence, it's important for you to increase or rather diversify your reach of headhunters. Our relationship management team profiles scores of headhunters, allows you to find the relevant ones, select multiple, and reach them at one go with AI generated email templates that is likely to generate responses.
Your journey at other job platforms end when you apply for a job. Here, you get to speak and connect with individuals who would be happy to do a one-to-one candid discussion with you. For instance, if you are wanting to break into a product management role, you can virtually meet a product manager at your target company or its competitor, and do a 1-to-1 consultative discussion with them and ask your questions directly - what steps did you take to break in to product management? what do you work on a daily basis? could you share a few case studies that you have actually worked on? how does the career path look like?
You browse through professional networks only to see politics, religion, fake gratitude, fake excitement and posts pointing fingers. Here, you get unlimited access to business insights that help you do your job better or even better, find opportunities to build, succeed or grow. This is an open learning platform for business fundamentals. Here, the teachers are those who have actually done it or are doing it on a day to day basis. Here, the students ask specific things that they don't understand in real world contexts. Here, everyone is a teacher and a student at the same time.
Last but not the least, you need referrals into companies, but don't know anyone. We are enabling cold referral requests - you can send up to 10 referral requests to people working in your target company in a very professional way.
It's practically impossible for a candidate to search for all jobs that could potentially be a great fit. In order to do that, one need to first know aall companies, visit their career pages, be part of thousands of whatsapp or telegram groups, visit thousands of job sites and so on. Our AI led research is bringing together jobs from multiple sources and making it easily searchable for you at one single location along with the corresponding best way to apply for those jobs, sometimes direct contacts of the individual who is hiring. We have kept this feature as a premium posting to ensure candidates who are genuinely interested reach out and the hiring individual is not unnecessarily spammed.
Then, manyatimes, to find the job that one desires, you have to go beyond traditional job search. We are enabling that with 'easy referrals', 'reach headhunters' and 'reach TA/HR'. With easy referrals, you'll be able to select a list of individuals in your target company and draft a super professional AI generated email seeking referrals with respect to a particular job or a target company in general. Next, headhunters can only help when they are actively working on a relevant mandate (role) from their clients (companies). So, when you reach out to one or two headhunters that you know and don't get any response, remember the foregoing. With premium, you can find headhunters who specialize in various domains and reach out to multiple in one go, thereby increasing your probability of hitting the target. Last, with reach TA/HR, you will be able to cut through the noise of finding TAs/HRs and, sometimes, founders among lakhs of other professionals, search the TA/HR at your target company or companies, select one or more, and shoot a professional AI-generated email.
That's not all - found a relevant job or aspiring to get into a field but don't have the direction or the know how, no worries. With premium, you can find people who are willing to help, or rather mentor, you one-to-one. So, whether it's getting your fundamentals cleared, learning how you can break in or move up in a particular field or generally, get expert insights on how to solve a problem that you're working on, you can have it all with premium.
Hope this is enough to charge a minimal INR 50/month? If not, do let us know what more can we do to help you succeed in your career on thereforyou@aplushub.com and we will try to find a solution.